The Secrets to Goal Setting for 2023

The Secrets to Goal Setting for 2023

As the New Year is drawing closer, people are thinking of setting new goals to add more meaning and purpose to their lives.  I believe goal setting is a step of faith.  You are stepping out into the unknown to make a decisive choice to walk into something you feel is what you are called to do.  When you commit yourself to the path you have chosen, the faith in achieving the goal releases the power within you. Your goal is a picture of where you are going. It is the finishing line of the race you will be running.  Setting your goal is making a decisive choice to end the race, no matter the challenges and obstacles along the way.  But you must be strategic.  You must create a plan.  You must be smart about it.

Have you ever heard of the SMART goal?  It is an acronym that is used very frequently in the business world and can also be used in our own individual lives. It helps us to set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time specific. Let us break it down a little bit.

A specific goal is one for which you are fully aware of your objectives.

Measurable is when you are aware that you have accomplished your goal.

Attainable is where the outcome is possible, and you are in control of whether that outcome is achieved.

A relevant goal is important to you. One you care enough about to commit to and work hard to achieve.

Time-Specific is the deadline you set to make accountability possible.  Make your best guess for when the goal will be completed and revise later if necessary.

Making a goal SMART is a terrific way to improve your odds of following through.  Start with these helpful tips for making better goals you can stick to:

  1. Clarity – Write it down: This allows you to free up that mental clutter so that you can make a decisive choice to pursue a particular end.
  2. Power – Avoid comparison: This will allow you to unleash the power within you.
  3. Motivation – Visualize your goal: See the things that you want to achieve. See the result. Feel the joy and satisfaction.
  4. Mandate – Set a deadline: It will help you to stay committed and set boundaries.
  5. Action – Create a plan of action: This will help you to develop an action plan with strategies to achieve your goal.

As you are contemplating your goals for the New Year, remember to create SMART goals, which will show that you are going somewhere and that your goal is very important enough that you are willing to work hard to get there.  The road will not be easy, but I encourage you to embrace failure and see it as a necessary part of reaching your goal.  It will make you stronger and more resilient as you continue the race to reach the finishing line.

While you are running this race, enjoy the process. Track important milestones, use a journal or a goal-tracking app, reward yourself along the way, and stay motivated.  Believe in yourself. Utilize your sense of accomplishment to stay motivated and continue your healthy behaviors so you will feel great about how you have improved yourself for years to come.

Make each moment of your life count!

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